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A collection of materials to facilitate the development of responsible research and researcher assessment policies and practices.

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Good practicesPosition papers
For: Research institutes
In support of the Dutch Recognition and Rewards Programme, Leiden University published a position paper “Academia in Motion: Recognition & Rewards at Leiden University” in 2021. In 2020, Leiden University’s Executive Board established a Recognition & Rewards steering committee made up of staff from a variety of positions and roles. The goals of the Recognition…
Good practicesPosition papers
For: Research institutes
In this article, Jonathan Grant outlines nine cases that highlight examples of new academic incentives at multiple levels (e.g., system, institution, and individual level). These include: System-Level Examples like the United Kingdom Research Excellence Framework (REF), which reviews the quality of research conducted at universities in the United Kingdom, including societal impact and research environment.…
Case studiesGood practices
For: Research institutes
The ARRC team at the University of Cambridge is running a controlled trial to investigate the effects of using narrative CVs in postdoc recruitment. Narrative CVs aim to avoid placing a narrow emphasis on lists of achievements such as authored publications, awarded grants, etc. Using a narrative CV might allow researchers to highlight their wider…
Advocacy resourcesGood practicesPolicies and guidance
For: FundersProfessional societiesResearch institutes
This document from UNESCO is a roadmap for higher education, prepared for the “3rd World Higher Education Conference (WHEC2022).” Within the roadmap are “signposts for co-creating more open, inclusive, equitable and collaborative higher education systems that democratize access and knowledge.” Recognizing the evolution of and advancements in higher education, UNESCO has outlined 5 sections discussing…
Good practicesTools
For: FundersResearch institutes
CIRAD developed the ImpresS method to assess the environmental and societal impact its research.
Good practicesPolicies and guidance
For: Journals and publishersResearch institutes
Reviewers play a critical role in upholding research integrity within the expert review and funding process at the Canadian Cancer Society (CCS). The expert review encompasses a diverse group ranging from researchers, clinicians, patients, survivors, caregivers, decision-makers, and knowledge users, collectively offering a multifaceted evaluation of research grant applications. In alignment with DORA, CCS advocates…
Good practicesPosition papers
For: Professional societiesResearch institutes
The Federation released a report in 2017 to support the ongoing conversation in Canada about the assessment of research impact in the Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS).
Good practices
For: Research institutes
Ghent University published a vision statement for evaluating research based on eight principles agreed on by the University’s Board of Governors.
Good practices
For: Research institutes
In keeping with HHMI’s commitment to basic scientific discovery, the Institute employs outstanding researchers for renewable seven-year terms as HHMI Investigators.
Advocacy resourcesGood practicesInitiatives
For: Research institutes
The More Than Our Rank scheme and SCOPE Framework for Research Evaluation, launched by the International Network of Research Management Societies Research Evaluation Group (INORMS REG), are initiatives that both have a focus on equity in academia and research. More Than Our Rank aims to address the limitations of global university rankings and encourage academic…
Good practicesPosition papersTools
For: FundersResearch institutes
The IDRC in Canada developed a tool called Research Quality Plus (RQ+) to assess applied and translational research.
Good practicesPolicies and guidance
For: Professional societiesResearch institutes
The Linguistic Society of America (LSA) published a statement of recommendations concerning the appropriate means of assessment of varied research outputs. In the statement, the term “corpus” refers to the body of language documentation scholarship that is deposited in a language archive. The statement notes that “unlike traditional publications, documentation is not ordinarily peer-reviewed. Thus,…
Good practicesPolicies and guidance
For: Professional societiesResearch institutes
The Linguistic Society of America (LSA) published a statement on their commitment to Open Scholarship and recommendations for the fair review of Open Scholarship in hiring, tenure, promotion, and awards. The statement defines Open Scholarship and outlines how LSA intends to apply principles of Open Scholarship: “The LSA encourages scholars, departments, and evaluation committees to…
Good practices
For: FundersJournals and publishersResearch institutes
The Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR) introduced a standardized narrative-style CV format in 2021 as a requirement for applicants to all of FNR’s funding schemes. This new format was introduced to streamline and simplify the evaluation process, broaden the types of contributions considered during review, and to align with DORA’s principles that research should be…
Good practicesJournal articles
For: Journals and publishersResearch institutes
This paper explores the relationship between open access (OA) publishing and citation diversity, offering insights into how accessibility shapes scholarly communication. Regarding responsible research assessment, open scholarship is largely important, helping to evaluate work on its own merits when it is openly accessible. The authors determined that freely available scholarly publications attract citations from a…
Advocacy resourcesGood practicesInitiatives
For: Research institutes
This repository contains resources for faculty and academic units that are working to transform how faculty are rewarded and evaluated for promotion and tenure, with the aim of promoting inclusivity via open science practices. This “Impact as Access” approach entails access to all aspects of research, including data sharing, direct involvement in research, and access…
Case studiesGood practicesPolicies and guidance
For: Research institutes
In this booklet by the UK Collaborative on Development Research (UKCDR) 10 exemplary case studies submitted to Research Excellence Framework (REF2021) are discussed, highlighting international development research by the UK and its non-academic impacts. All 10 case studies are evaluated for how the research at each location was conducted and what the real-world impacts were…
Good practicesPolicies and guidance
For: Journals and publishersResearch institutes
This report from the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) discusses financing mechanisms for open access publishing of federally funded research. Overall, the report underscores the importance of financing mechanisms to support open access publishing of federally funded research, emphasizing the need for continued efforts to ensure broad access to scientific knowledge…
Good practices
For: FundersResearch institutes
Research Capacity Strengthening (RCS) is essential for developing people and institutions, fostering collaborations, and building supporting infrastructure that enables research actors to thrive. Through responsible funding and evaluation frameworks, inclusive and sustainable research capacity can be built. Recognizing this, in 2022 the UK Collaborative on Development Research (UKCDR) published a report that collates learnings from…
Good practices
For: FundersResearch institutes
The Researcher Development Concordat is an agreement among organizations in the UK in support of career development of researchers. It outlines a set of principles and requirements aimed at fostering a sustainable research culture within UK research institutions. The Concordat is focussed on the rights and obligations of researchers who are primarily engaged in research…
Good practicesTools
For: FundersResearch institutes
In 2022 Trinity College Dublin launched The Researcher Impact Framework (RIF), a tool designed to help researchers understand and communicate the impact of their work in four key areas: Knowledge generation Development of others and collaborations Contribution to the research community Addressing broader societal challenges The RIF originated from Trinity College Dublin’s Research Impact Pilot…
Good practices
For: FundersResearch institutes
Rewards and recognition play fundamental roles in identifying research and innovation talent. In 2022, Science Europe created the Science Europe Values Framework for research organizations. In this 2023 piece, Science Europe builds on its Values Framework and provides practical recommendations and good practice examples that can drive positive research culture at the institutional level. There…
Good practicesInitiativesPolicies and guidance
For: FundersResearch institutes
Science Foundation Ireland’s (SFI) Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Strategy 2023-2028 is centered on SFI’s ambition that “its EDI Strategy will be a key driver of an inclusive, engaged research culture and, through this Strategy, SFI will be an agent of change.” The Agency aims to “lead in minimising barriers and ensuring that everyone has…
Good practicesInitiatives
For: Journals and publishersProfessional societiesResearch institutes
Progress towards more responsible research assessment requires implementing and supporting more equitable and transparent standards of practice in the scientific community. Some journals have been considering these changes in how they operate, one of which is PLOS Biology. This article discusses PLOS Biology’s commitment to increasing code sharing and publishing peer review files in 2024…
Good practices
For: FundersResearch institutes
The Adaptation Research Alliance (ARA) was launched at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in 2021 as a global collaborative effort for increased investment and action, to catalyze action oriented research for effective adaptation to climate change. The Principles are focused in supporting and influencing climate change adaptation initiatives, and research in general. The six…