In this news item, Open Universiteit announced that it signed the Agreement on Reforming Research…
Portfolio assessment
University of Luxembourg CoARA Action Plan
This document summarizes past actions undertaken to implement University of Luxembourg’s commitments to CoARA, and…
Aalto University’s Commitments to Developing the CoARA Action Plan
This document summarizes recent changes to assessment procedures introduced by Aalto university. It also outlines…
Merit Review Policy
This document outlines principles and criteria guiding merit reviews at the Department of Psychology, University…
Procedures for Promotion to Full Professor
This document outlines principles and criteria guiding promotions to full professor at the Department of…
Procedures for Promotion to Associate Professor with Tenure
This document outlines principles and criteria guiding promotions to associate professor at the Department of…
Responsible Research Assessment: Guidelines for Hiring, Evaluations and Award Panels
This document outlines evaluation practices that should be avoided, as well as alternatives to be…
QUT Public Statement on Research Assessment
This document announces that Queensland University of Technology signed DORA, articulates principles guiding assessments at…
The Researcher Impact Framework
The tool is designed to support researchers writing impact narratives about four dimensions of their…
Recognition and Rewards
A 2023 guide from University of Groningen on staff recognition. It describes several challenges in…