Driving progress towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals needs engagement and input from across all…
The DORA Movement in Canada: Working Together to Advance Assessment of Research Excellence
The DORA movement is evolving in Canada. 44 Canadian organizations have signed, including postsecondary institutions,…

Repensando la evaluación académica en el marco de la ciencia abierta
This session, organized from Venezuela, will feature a critical reflection panel on national academic evaluation…

To Rank, Not to Rank, or To Rank Responsibly?
Currently, the process of evaluating academic performance has become increasingly synonymous with rankings, resulting in…

Potentialities of Open Access Repositories for inclusive, diverse and equitable research assessment in LAC
Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) stands out for its approach to knowledge as a…

Bridging the Gap: Exploring Innovative Opportunities for Research Libraries to Reform Research Assessment
RLUK’s Open Strategy Network (OSN) will join DORA’s worldwide community to deliver a workshop to…

Why I signed DORA
A diverse group of researchers from different disciplines and at different career stages discuss why…

What can open research values bring to research assessment reform?
10 years since the launch of F1000 and the founding of DORA, we invite you…
Third research colloquium of the Autonomous University of Queretaro
The main objective of the event is to share the social impacts of research projects…

DORA@10, Artificial Intelligence with #ChatGPT and Research in the Global South
The Global South (GS) problems provide avenues for research that can provide new perspectives on…