Recognition & Rewards: scope for all talents of academics

A 2021 article from Erasmus University Rotterdam about how the university is changing its recognition structures, focusing less on individual performance in research and more on multiple career pathways where people can contribute.

Rector Frank Baaijens talks about Recognition and Rewards

A 2021 interview with Eindhoven University of Technology rector describing his sintitutions research assessment practices, noting that quality of outputs as well as quantity must be measured.

Modification of Promotion, Tenure, and Merit Review

This modification of guidelines at Indiana-Purdue University added a DEI-focused case to the existing “balanced case” framework to better recognize and reward faculty efforts to increase diversity, equity, and inclusion.

IUPUI Promotion and Tenure Guidelines

This document outlines updated criteria to assess staff contributions in the area of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) and open access, introduced to better reward these efforts in promotion, tenure-track and merit assessments at Indiana University. It also mentions such qualities like interrelated activities and accomplishments; independence, innovation, and initiative; teamwork, as areas to be considered in these evaluations.

Guidelines for Preparing and Reviewing Promotion and Tenure Dossiers

Indiana University has created guidelines for promotion and tenure dossiers. This guide outlines many different parameters for the preparation of promotion and/or tenure including a wide variety of criteria to assist in these deliberations.

Utrecht University: Recognition and Rewards Criteria

This vision document of Utrecht University outlines its institutional version of the Dutch national reform initiative ‘Recognition and Rewards’ introduced in 2019.

Academic Promotion Criteria for 2019-2020

This document outlines the changes in the professorial promotion criteria introduced at the University of Glasgow in 2019 to put more attention on evidence of collegiality and commitments to societal impact and open research.