A decade ago, the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment, or DORA, tackled the pressing…
Dora at 10: Revisiting the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment
The University of Liège has included the evaluation of research and researchers into its Human…
De-emphasizing journal name in researcher assessment at HHMI
A landmark research study is important because of the findings it produced—not because of the…
Exploring best practices in research assessment: EMBO, EMBL and DORA
The six panellists in this joint EMBO/EMBL session represent researchers in different roles: members of…
China’s Science and Technology Evaluation Reform: DORA & Breaking the Siwei
This session is in Chinese. Since 2018, China has issued a series of S&T evaluation…
Encuentro SOMMa de ciencia abierta
Como parte del encuentro del grupo de ciencia abierta, SOMMa celebra el 10º aniversario de…
Género y evaluación de la ciencia
Este panel sobre “Género y evaluación de la ciencia” tendrá como meta enlazar la temática…
DORA at 10: Perspectives on Advancing Research Assessment in Nepal
In a much aware world of academic assessment (for hiring, promotion and grants), the use…
Ten years of DORA – evaluating what matters! and ‘The problem of evaluation: DORA the explorer at 10 and our paths into the future’
Join us in our celebrations of DORA at 10 with this talk from two inspirational…
Reforming research assessment in an Open Science environment
The event is intended for professional staff as well as researchers in the Swiss research and higher education…