Metrics Toolkit

The Metrics Toolkit is an online resource that provides information about research metrics across scholarly disciplines to help educate individuals in the academic community.

Good Practice in Researcher Evaluation: Recommendation for the Responsible Evaluation of a Researcher in Finland

A working group set up by the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies produced guidelines to improve how researchers are assessed in Finland. The report provides a set of general principles (transparency, integrity, fairness, competence, and diversity) that apply throughout 13 recommended good practices to improve four aspects of researcher evaluation.

First slide of presentation, with DORA logo over "Improving research assessment", link to, and "@DORAssessment on most social media platforms".

DORA slide presentations

We know that slide presentations are one of the primary means of academic communication. To help you talk about research assessment, we created three presentations that are available for download.

DORA badges

The badges for our signatories show support for DORA, raise awareness about research assessment, and serve as a conversation starter with individuals or organizations that have not heard about DORA yet.

Center for Open Science

The Center for Open Science has a collection of open science policies at universities and examples of…

Assessing Scientists for Hiring, Promotion, and Tenure

Six principles for hiring, promotion, and tenure were developed at a one-day workshop in Washington DC in January 2017 to address incentives and rewards in research assessment.


ASAPbio (Accelerating Science and Publication in Biology) tracks preprint policies and practices at journals, funders, and universities.