Joint report and upcoming webinar on institutional change for academic career assessmentDORA, in collaboration with…
News and announcements
2020 in review: DORA’s list of new developments in research assessment
At the end of each year, the DORA steering committee and advisory board reflect on…
DORA Newsletter Dec. 2020
New digital repository: “Reimagining academic career assessment: stories of innovation and change”DORA is excited to…
Reimagining Academic Career Assessment: Building a repository for stories of innovation and change
DORA is pleased to announce a new digital repository of case studies, “Reimagining academic career…
DORA Newsletter Oct. 2020
DORA welcomes two new Advisory Board members, Kelly Cobey and Judith SutzMeet Kelley CobeyKelly Cobey…
The intersections between DORA, open scholarship, and equity
The San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA), published in May 2013, does not mention the term ‘open scholarship.’ And yet DORA and open scholarship are becoming increasingly entwined. DORA’s ambition is to improve research evaluation practices but the practicalities of implementation make it impossible to separate the evaluation of research from questions about who and what research is for, who gets to be involved, and how it should best be carried out, all of which have to take account of the power dynamics that shape the scholarly landscape.
DORA newsletter Aug. 2020
DORA is pleased to announce an upcoming webinar and funders call, as well as update…
Annual report: a recap of activities of the San Francisco Declaration of Research Assessment (DORA) in 2019
Over the past year, it has become apparent that the declaration represents just one part of DORA’s portfolio of activities. In 2019, DORA added resources and examples of good practice to the web page, organized sessions at academic conferences, published perspective pieces, hosted virtual events, and co-sponsored our first meeting with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.
Rethinking Research Assessment: Ideas for Action
We are pleased to announce a new briefing document from DORA and colleagues, “Rethinking Research Assessment: Ideas for Action,” which provides five design principles to help universities and research institutions improve their research assessment policies and practices.
DORA statement on hiring, promotion, and funding decisions during the COVID-19 pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic has upended daily life around the world, forcing individuals and organizations to adapt rapidly to unanticipated circumstances. The changes in universities and research institutions have been dramatic.