On Wednesday April 3, 2019, we hosted a #sfDORA community interview with Janet Halliwell to learn more about the 2017 report from the Federation of the Humanities and Social Sciences in Canada, Approaches to Assessing Impacts in the Humanities and Social Sciences. We also wanted to hear about a new project she is working on to improve assessment in the Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) by creating a standardized vocabulary of terms related to research assessment.
Recognizing regional differences can improve evaluation
Across the world, institutions and funders experience similar challenges in hiring, promotion, and funding decisions. How do we define research quality? What criteria should be included in researcher assessments? While some challenges might be shared, the academic ecosystem can vary from region to region.
Identifying obstacles in the journey to tenure
In academia, the bar for success continues to get higher for early-career researchers who are looking for faculty positions and grant funding. On November 4, we sat down with Prof. Christopher Jackson from Imperial College London to hear his perspective on the incentive structure in academia and what we can do better.
Publishing and Research Assessment: A conversation with Sir Philip Campbell
Research articles are one of the main outputs of scholarly research and factor heavily in hiring, promotion, and funding decisions in academia. On September 11, the chair of the DORA steering committee, Prof. Stephen Curry, interviewed the Editor-in-Chief of Springer Nature, Sir Phillip Campbell, about the role of publishers in research assessment.
Funding Decisions at the Wellcome Trust/DBT India Alliance
Obtaining grant funding is often seen as a critical step for career advancement, and the presence or absence of external funding can influence hiring and promotion choices. The Wellcome Trust/DBT India Alliance has a three-step evaluation process for its awards.
How to Strengthen Hiring Practices at Academic Institutions: an Interview with Dr. Sandra Schmid
Approximately seven years ago, Dr. Sandra Schmid moved to UT Southwestern Medical Center with an opportunity to expand the Cell Biology Department. During this intense hiring period, Schmid realized that one of the reasons faculty searches failed was because of competition with other universities who were recruiting the same candidates.