Recording and materials from this event The accomplishments of the DORA Community Engagement grant Awardees…
Community Event: DORA 10th Anniversary Africa, Americas, Europe Plenary
Recording and materials from this event The accomplishments of the DORA Community Engagement grant Awardees…
Towards the future of responsible research assessment: Announcing DORA’s new three-year strategic plan
Five years after making a decisive shift to become an international campaigning initiative and completing…
Elizabeth Ochola appointed to DORA Steering Committee
The San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) is pleased to welcome Elizabeth Ochola as…
Hacia una evaluación académica justa y responsable en la Red de Centros CLACSO de Venezuela
Scroll down for the English translation of this report: Community Engagement Grant Report: “Towards a…
The Colombian responsible metrics Project: towards a Colombian institutional, methodological instrument for research assessment
A DORA Community Engagement Grants Report In November 2021, DORA announced that we were piloting…
Young researchers in action: the road towards a new PhD evaluation
A DORA Community Engagement Grants Report In November 2021, DORA announced that we were piloting…
Institutional challenges and perspectives for responsible evaluation in Brazilian Higher Education: Projeto Métricas DORA partnership
A DORA Community Engagement Grants Report In November 2021, DORA announced that we were piloting…
Co-creating a Responsible Use of Metrics for Research Assessment in Colombian Science, Technology and Innovation System
A DORA Community Engagement Grants Report In November 2021, DORA announced that we were piloting…
Creating a Platform for Dialogues on Responsible Research Assessment: The Issue Map on Research Assessment of Humanities and Social Sciences
A DORA Community Engagement Grants Report In November 2021, DORA announced that we were piloting…