We are pleased to release new badges for individuals and organizations that have signed the declaration. The badges show support for DORA, raise awareness about research assessment, and serve as a conversation starter with individuals or organizations that have not heard about DORA yet.
How to Strengthen Hiring Practices at Academic Institutions: an Interview with Dr. Sandra Schmid
Approximately seven years ago, Dr. Sandra Schmid moved to UT Southwestern Medical Center with an opportunity to expand the Cell Biology Department. During this intense hiring period, Schmid realized that one of the reasons faculty searches failed was because of competition with other universities who were recruiting the same candidates.
DORA Celebrates Five Years!
To celebrate a successful five years, we are kicking-off a live-interview series to hear firsthand from individuals who are improving research assessment in their communities.
February Debut: DORA Is Represented at Peer Review Meeting
Publishing is a significant part of a researcher’s career and essential for scientific success. However, biases built into peer review and research assessment create an uneven playing field.
Welcome to DORA’s new website
Welcome to the new DORA website! Please do not be alarmed. The fundamentals have not changed – the declaration remains the same – but thanks to support from a broad range of organizations, we have ambitious plans in place for the future.