This DORA case study discusses a new program of organizational change focusing on the promotion…
An Open Research University
This report by Open University highlights their plan to be an ‘open research university’ by…
Guidelines to Faculties on broadening the Assessment of Research Impact
These are guidelines from the University of Cape Town on how the University will broaden…
Cardiff University’s commitment to DORA and equitable authorship
This is a statement from the Cardiff University that it has signed DORA.
Strategic Framework for Research
This Strategic Research Framework from the University of Amsterdam outlines that researchers will be evaluated…
School of Interactive Games & Media Guidelines for Promotion & Tenure
This is guidance from the Rochester Institute of Technology about the evaluation of faculty in…
Vice Rector Magnificus Jantine Schuit about the Recognition & Rewards program
This is an interview with the Vice Rector Magnificus of Tilburg University outlining the commitment…
Academic Promotions Framework: Version for 2023 promotion round
This is a webpage from the University of Bristol that transparently outlines promotions practices for…