MB&B is radically changing how we search for new colleagues

In 2020, candidates for tenure track Assistant Professor positions in Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry at Yale University will submit anonymous applications that do not contain any information on people, places, funding agencies or journals.

Frequently Asked Questions

This page contains frequently asked questions (FAQs) for faculty at University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus about their rights, responsibilities, benefits, faculty appointments, promotions, tenure and faculty development.

Qualification Portfolio UMC Utrecht

The University Medical Center Utrecht (UMC Utrecht) Qualification Portfolio lists components for candidate professors or professors seeking promotion to include in a narrative.

Case Study: University Medical Centre Utrecht

This case study discusses the new evaluation framework in place at University Medical Center (UMC) Utrecht, implemented in 2021. This change in evaluation procedure was motivated by UMC Utrecht’s commitment to assessing researchers based on their scientific and societal contributions, and whose criteria were discussed in a group called Science in Transition (SIT).

Research Assessment at EMBL

This post by European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) discusses their signing of DORA and CoARA, committing to fair research assessment and developing a set of Research Assessment Recommendations to uphold the principles outlined in both DORA and CoARA.

Responsible Research Assessment

This is a statement from St George’s University of London that it has signed DORA and committed to responsible research assessment. The statement outlines that the University will provide training, guidance and workshops on hiring, promotion, and tenure assessment practices.