This website provides search files (evaluation materials and instructions, student evaluation surveys) used in the…
Medical Sciences
Lessons learnt from anonymized and scaffolded faculty search
This article details the procedure and lessons learnt from an experiment with anonymized faculty search…
Protocols for Faculty Hiring and for Search Committees: Guidelines for Interviews and Candidate Assessments
In these Guidelines the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth College provides concrete examples of…
Protocols for Faculty Hiring and for Search Committees
In this document the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth College specifies that CVs submitted…
LSTM DORA Principles Implementation Plan – January 2021
The Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine’s implementation plan from 2020 setting out a two year…
The Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA)
An undated overview from the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. It created an implementatrion plan…
UHN Research Institutes Sign DORA
An undated statement that University Health Network signed DORA.
DORA – San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment
Am undated statement that the Wellcome Sanger Institute has signed DORA and some of their…
Assessing our Researchers
An undated description of policies of The Francis Crick Institute regarding open science, preprints, and…
The Crick signs San Francisco Declaration of Research Assessment
A 2016 statement that The Francis Crick Institute has signed DORA.