Make Data Count

Make Data Count is a global, community-led initiative focused on the development of open, responsibly…

UK Forum for Responsible Research Metrics

The Metric Tide was published in July 2015, and provides an extensive review of the literature on peer review, the use of metrics and altmetrics, and a statistical analysis of the predictive power of various numerical indicators (including the JIF).

Room for Everyone’s Talent

Dutch public knowledge institutions and research funders published a position paper ‘Room for Everyone’s Talent‘ rethinking their academic reward and recognition systems.

Good Practice in Researcher Evaluation: Recommendation for the Responsible Evaluation of a Researcher in Finland

A working group set up by the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies produced guidelines to improve how researchers are assessed in Finland. The report provides a set of general principles (transparency, integrity, fairness, competence, and diversity) that apply throughout 13 recommended good practices to improve four aspects of researcher evaluation.