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Update to Open Science statements required in professorial recruitment 14

This Mastodon thread provides an update to the 2015 hiring policy of the Psychology Department at the Ludwig-Maximillian University which requires candidates for all professorships to include Open Science statements in their applications.
Ludwig-Maximillian University Department of Psychology
Germany (Comprehensive University or equivalent)
Open Research
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University of Maryland Department of Psychology
United States of America (Comprehensive University or equivalent)
Portfolio assessment
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University of Maryland Department of Psychology
United States of America (Comprehensive University or equivalent)
Portfolio assessment
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University of Maryland Department of Psychology
United States of America (Comprehensive University or equivalent)
Portfolio assessment
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Recognition & Rewards: scope for all talents of academics 9

A 2021 article from Erasmus University Rotterdam about how the university is changing its recognition structures, focusing less on individual performance in research and more on multiple career pathways where people can contribute.
Erasmus School of Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Netherlands (Comprehensive University or equivalent)
Cultivating talentsPortfolio assessmentResearch collaboration
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Dr. Marike Polak about Recognition & Rewards 2

A 2022 interview from Erasmus University Rotterdam on how changes in recognition can reduce faculty workload.
Portfolio assessment
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TU Berlin Signs San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment 16

A 2021 statement that Technische Universität Berlin signed DORA.
Technische Universität Berlin
Germany (Comprehensive University or equivalent)
Responsible Metrics
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Department of Psychology, University of Cologne | 2017 7

This job advert provides an example of a statement on open science that the University of Cologne has been including in recruitment materials since 2017. March 20, 2024: This document has been mistakenly attributed to the wrong institution (Oregon University instead of the University of Cologne). This is the the process of being corrected. April…
Department of Psychology, Oregon University
United States of America (Comprehensive University or equivalent)
Open ResearchResearch integrity
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Department of Psychology, Oregon University | 2021 9

In this presentation, a representative from University of Oregon describes the approach that the Department of Psychology has taken to foster open science practices and reward them in recruitment, tenure and promotion decisions.
Department of Psychology, Oregon University
United States of America (Comprehensive University or equivalent)
Open ResearchResearch integrity
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Hong Kong Principles: Best Practices: Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences 2

Several organizations have implemented best practices in alignment with the Hong Kong Principles (HKP) for assessing and rewarding responsible research practices, promoting open science, and encouraging transparency.
Amsterdam University of Applied Science
Netherlands (Specialized University or equivalent)
Research integrity
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