DORA is committed to supporting the development of new policies and practices for responsible research assessment. This tool compiles searchable criteria, hiring standards, review, promotion, and tenure from academic institutions.

Institution Profile: Utrecht University

Type of InstitutionComprehensive University or equivalent
Academic DisciplinesDiscipline non-specified
  • As of 1 August 2021, Utrecht University revised its criteria for promotion to full professorship around a new academic careers model called TRIPLE.
  • The Utrecht University TRIPLE model emphasizes high performance not only against research performance criteria, but also in leadership, team spirit, impact, education and professional performance.
  • To become full professor, a candidate must demonstrate a proven track record to a peer review committee in at least three of the TRIPLE domains.
  • Candidates must submit a narrative statement in which they set-out their merits in respect three or more dimensions of the Triple model.
  • Candidates are dissuaded from including H-Indexes and Journal Impact Factors in their narrative statements.

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Viewpoint: As part of global shift, Utrecht University is changing how it evaluates its researchers 27

This opinion piece provides the rationale for changes happening at Utrecht University with regards to evaluation of its researchers.
Utrecht University
Netherlands (Comprehensive University or equivalent)
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San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) signed by Utrecht University 2

In 2019, Utrecht University signed DORA. In this news item, the University expresses its commitment to changing its procedures in line with DORA principles and frames signing the Declaration as part of Utrecht’s broader efforts to stimulate Open Science and find new ways to reward and incentivize staff.
Utrecht University
Netherlands (Comprehensive University or equivalent)
Responsible metrics
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Utrecht University: Recognition and Rewards Criteria 22

This vision document of Utrecht University outlines its institutional version of the Dutch national reform initiative ‘Recognition and Rewards’ introduced in 2019.
Utrecht University
Netherlands (Comprehensive University or equivalent)
Cultivating talentsPortfolio assessmentResearch collaborationResponsible metricsSocietal impact
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Promotion Profile and Procedure for Professor 1 19

This document describes new criteria and procedure for promotion to full professorship at Utrecht University. The change is part of a wider reform ‘Recognition and Rewards’ and is built around Utrecht’s new academic careers model called TRIPLE, which stands for team spirit, research, impact, professional performance, leadership and education, i.e. areas that the new assessment…
Utrecht University
Netherlands (Comprehensive University or equivalent)
Portfolio assessmentResponsible metrics
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