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Guidelines and checklist for the responsible use of bibliometric indicators at the Technical University of Munich 6

This document provides a set of guidelines for responsible use of metrics specifically in response to DORA recommendations. It also includes a set of questions for reflection on DORA compliance in specific evaluative contexts across the University.
Technical University of Munich
Germany (Specialized University or equivalent)
Responsible Metrics
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University of Luxembourg CoARA Action Plan 3

This document summarizes past actions undertaken to implement University of Luxembourg’s commitments to CoARA, and future activities that will expand the initial efforts.
University of Luxembourg
Luxembourg (Comprehensive University or equivalent)
Portfolio assessmentResponsible Metrics
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Aalto University’s Commitments to Developing the CoARA Action Plan 6

This document summarizes recent changes to assessment procedures introduced by Aalto university. It also outlines milestones orienting Aalto’s reform until 2026.
Aalto University
Finland (Comprehensive University or equivalent)
Portfolio assessmentResponsible Metrics
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Personal Scientific Impact – Methods to Determine the Scientific Impact of Authors 40

This document outlines a procedure for determining and interpreting quantitative scientific impact of individual scholars in a way that is responsible and compliant with DORA.
Technical University of Munich
Germany (Specialized University or equivalent)
Responsible Metrics
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Responsible Research Assessment: Guidelines for Hiring, Evaluations and Award Panels 53

This document outlines evaluation practices that should be avoided, as well as alternatives to be adopted, relating to the use of metrics in recruitment and promotion at the University of Groningen.
University of Groningen
Netherlands (Comprehensive University or equivalent)
Portfolio assessmentResponsible Metrics
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Responsible Research Assessment Principles 27

The document presents best practices in the use of metrics which University of Groningen wants to promote when conducting any form of research assessment, especially when it concerns and affects individual researchers.
University of Groningen
Netherlands (Comprehensive University or equivalent)
Responsible Metrics
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University of Nottingham (UNUK)
United Kingdom (Comprehensive University or equivalent)
Responsible Metrics
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University of Nottingham (UNUK)
United Kingdom (Comprehensive University or equivalent)
Responsible Metrics
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The University of Tokyo
Japan (Comprehensive University or equivalent)
Responsible Metrics
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Queensland University of Technology
Australia (Specialized University or equivalent)
Portfolio assessmentResponsible Metrics
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