DORA is committed to supporting the development of new policies and practices for responsible research assessment. This tool compiles searchable criteria, hiring standards, review, promotion, and tenure from academic institutions.

Institution Profile: Imperial College London

LocationUnited Kingdom
Type of InstitutionComprehensive University or equivalent
Academic DisciplinesDiscipline non-specified

• In 2017 Imperial College London adopted in full recommendations of a report from the College’s Responsible Metrics working group. The working group recommended:
• Criteria used to inform hiring, tenure, and promotion decisions should be made explicit, and that the scientific content of a paper is always more important than publication metrics or name of the journal.
• All research outputs should be considered (including datasets and software) and a broad range of impact measures including qualitative indicators of research impact, such as influence on policy and practice, should be taken into account.
• All departments adopted the recommendation that candidates for (senior) lecturer positions select their four highest quality research outputs (not only publications) and summarize the results from each.
• Candidates are informed that Journal Impact Factors should not be included in application documents.

Related Resources

Report of the DORA Working Group 12

Imperial College London signed DORA in 2017 and created a DORA working group. This report outlines the working group’s terms of reference, goals, and recommendations for implementing responsible assessment practices.
Imperial College London
United Kingdom (Comprehensive University or equivalent)
Portfolio assessmentResponsible metrics
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Application and Consistency of Approach in the Use of Performance Metrics 10

This is a 2015 review from Imperial College London on the Application and Consistency of Approach in the Use of Performance Metrics. This review enshrined the principle that research activities (e.g., research, teaching, mentoring and citizenship) should all be recognized in an evidence-based way in hiring and promotion decisions at Imperial.
Imperial College London
United Kingdom (Comprehensive University or equivalent)
Responsible metrics
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Research Evaluation: The Declaration on Research Assessment 10

This is a 2017 statement from Imperial College London that it has signed DORA. The page declares the commitment of the College to responsible research assessment and outlines the plans of the College to create a working group to implement more responsible assessment policies and practices.
Imperial College London
United Kingdom (Comprehensive University or equivalent)
Portfolio assessmentResponsible metrics
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