This case study by DORA describes the new conceptual framework for research assessment developed at…
Responsible metrics
Case Study: University of Nottingham Ningbo China
This DORA case study highlights an Implementation Task Force put in place by the University…
Report on the UCL Bibliometrics Policy Consultation
This is a report on the use of bibliometrics at UCL regarding research policy. Consultation…
Policy Statement on the responsible use of bibliometrics
This document from University College London’s (UCL) Academic Committee establishes 12 principles for the responsible…
UCL signs San Francisco Declaration of Research Assessment
University of College London (UCL) becomes signatory of DORA.
Internal Policy No. 71: Open Science and Open Access
In 2021 the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) implemented a new internal promotions policy incorporating…
Research Assessment at EMBL
This post by European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) discusses their signing of DORA and CoARA,…
White Paper: Measuring Research Output through Bibliometrics, Winter, 2016
This document contains a literature review on the role and limitation of bibliometrics for use…
Bibliometrics: Assessing Research
This is a library webpage that highlights the key principles that research assessors should use…
Responsible Metrics Policy Summary
This is the quick-reference summary of the responsible metrics policy from the University of Southampton…