In this news item, University of Lodz announced that it had signed CoARA.
Responsible metrics
Protocols for Faculty Hiring and for Search Committees: Guidelines for Interviews and Candidate Assessments
In these Guidelines the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth College provides concrete examples of…
Protocols for Faculty Hiring and for Search Committees
In this document the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth College specifies that CVs submitted…
Turku University of Applied Sciences is reforming research assessment
In this news item, Turku University of Applied Sciences announced that it had joined CoARA…
Aix-Marseille University signs the COARA agreement
In this news item, Aix-Marseille University announced that it had signed the Agreement on Reforming…
Aix-Marseille University signes DORA
In this news item, Aix-Marseille University announced that it had signed DORA, a step which…
Sorbonne University Signs the CoARA Agreement
In this press release, Sorbonne University announced that it had signed the CoARA Agreement on…
Sorbonne University signs DORA
In this press release, Sorbonne University announced that it had signed DORA, a step which…
Policy for promoting actions for open science in the internal evaluation of research at Sorbonne University
This document outlines a policy adopted by Sorbonne University to promote open science in its…
University of Liege signs the CoARA agreement for the reform of research evaluation
In this news item, University of Liege announces that it signed the Agreement on Reforming…