This document outlines a procedure for determining and interpreting quantitative scientific impact of individual scholars…
Discipline non-specified
Responsible Research Assessment: Guidelines for Hiring, Evaluations and Award Panels
This document outlines evaluation practices that should be avoided, as well as alternatives to be…
Responsible Research Assessment Principles
The document presents best practices in the use of metrics which University of Groningen wants…
Responsible use of research metrics at Nottingham
This document follows from Nottingham’s commitment to DORA. It articulates main principles for responsible use…
Using indicators responsibly: a guide to good practice
This document presents practical principles for responsible use of indicators. It outlines five steps to…
The University of Tokyo signs the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA)
This announcement affirms the commitment of University of Tokyo to evaluate research content from various…
QUT Public Statement on Research Assessment
This document announces that Queensland University of Technology signed DORA, articulates principles guiding assessments at…
Responsible Metrics at University of Exeter
This website summarizes main activities and resources around responsible use of metrics developed by the…
Guiding principles for the responsible use of indicators in research assessment and management
This document outlines nine principles for the responsible use of metrics developed at the University…
Indicators Guidance
This table supplements the Guiding Principles on responsible metrics developed by the University of Exeter.…