These job postings from the Department of Engineering at Harvey Mudd College provide examples of…
Discipline non-specified
University of Lodz wants to free itself from rankings and signs CoARA
In this news item, University of Lodz announced that it had signed CoARA.
Guidelines for Faculty Appointment and Promotion
This document outlines criteria for promotion at School of Nursing, University of Pittsburgh which include…
Libraries Faculty Handbook of University of Colorado, Boulder
In this Faculty Handbook, the University of Colorado, Boulder indicates collaboration and fostering inclusion as…
University of Debrecen joins CoARA to further their commitment to Open Science
University of Debrecen joins CoARA to further their commitment to Open Science.
Turku University of Applied Sciences is reforming research assessment
In this news item, Turku University of Applied Sciences announced that it had joined CoARA…
Principles of open science and research at Turku University of Applied Sciences
Turku University of Applied Sciences outlined its principles of open science and research. According to…
Aix-Marseille University signs the COARA agreement
In this news item, Aix-Marseille University announced that it had signed the Agreement on Reforming…
Aix-Marseille University signes DORA
In this news item, Aix-Marseille University announced that it had signed DORA, a step which…
Sorbonne University Signs the CoARA Agreement
In this press release, Sorbonne University announced that it had signed the CoARA Agreement on…