This is a statement from the University of Nottingham that it has signed DORA.
Discipline non-specified
Responsible metrics at Kent – so what?
This is a statement from the University of Kent that it has signed DORA. It…
Recognising Excellence in Academia: Academic Career Map – Initial Staff Guide
This is a series of videos that introduce the University of Kent’s Academic Career Map,…
Vice Rector Magnificus Jantine Schuit about the Recognition & Rewards program
This is an interview with the Vice Rector Magnificus of Tilburg University outlining the commitment…
UNIFR signs the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment
This is a statement from the University of Fribourg that it has signed DORA.
Responsible Research Evaluation: Statement on Responsible Research Assessment
This is a statement from the University of Bristol that it is committed to responsible…
Academic Promotions Framework: Version for 2023 promotion round
This is a webpage from the University of Bristol that transparently outlines promotions practices for…
DORA in Practice
This is a guide from the University of Tromsø, The Arctic University of Norway that…
Implementing DORA at UiT The Arctic University of Norway
This is a video from the University of Tromsø, The Arctic University of Norway in…
Using Metrics Responsibly
The University of Sheffield’s library created a webpage that provides an overview of how to…