Responsible metrics at Kent – so what?

This is a statement from the University of Kent that it has signed DORA. It also outlines new processes for faculty and staff to implement DORA and responsible research assessment.

Academic Promotions Framework: Version for 2023 promotion round

This is a webpage from the University of Bristol that transparently outlines promotions practices for Associate Professors and Professors. The webpage contains information for candidates and reviewers, in addition to the University’s Academic Promotions Framework, which recognizes a broad range of academic outputs for promotion.

DORA in Practice

This is a guide from the University of Tromsø, The Arctic University of Norway that outlines the practical implementation of DORA at the University.

Implementing DORA at UiT The Arctic University of Norway

This is a video from the University of Tromsø, The Arctic University of Norway in which the Rector of Research discusses the practical implementation of DORA at the University.

Using Metrics Responsibly

The University of Sheffield’s library created a webpage that provides an overview of how to use metrics responsibly and the limitations of metrics.