Best principles for metrics-based research

A undated guide from Solent University Southampton on research ethics that notes the institution adopted DORA and the Leiden Manifesto.

Supporting Research Integrity

An undated statement from Royal Halloway University of London on how assessment informs the research environment. It mentions the university is committed to DORA and several other concordats on research integrity and career development.

The Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA)

An undated overview from the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. It created an implementatrion plan in 2020, and established a new senior role of Dean of Research Culture and Integrity in 2022.

Action Plan 2020-2022

A 2020 plan from London South Bank University to develop career’s of researchers. The plans include seven principles spanning career points from recruitment to promotion and development.

Promoting Open Science

An interview with president of the Open Science Strategic Committee of EPFL that notes the institution signed DORA and on training to and practices to enhance open science.