DORA is committed to supporting the development of new policies and practices for responsible research assessment. This tool compiles searchable criteria, hiring standards, review, promotion, and tenure from academic institutions.

Institution Profile: University of Cape Town

LocationSouth Africa
Type of InstitutionComprehensive University or equivalent
Academic DisciplinesDiscipline non-specified

• As part of their public commitment to DORA principles and an Open Science agenda, the University of Cape Town committed to broadening its assessment of social impact of research, particularly in respect to social justice in a South African context.
• Research impact narratives were placed at center of assessments.
• Comprehensive guidance for candidates applying for academic positions has been produced, which encourages a broadened definition of contributions of research outputs, including:
• Funding from multiple sources, policy reports, downloadable curriculum, diagnostic instruments, broadcasts, discussion of research in legal cases and policy reports.
• Other non-traditional research contributions to be recognized include: publication of datasets and datasharing according to FAIR principles; software and methodological contributions; sustained relationships with communities and multi-sectoral stakeholders; policy adoption; responsible research practices.

Related Resources

Guidelines to Faculties on broadening the Assessment of Research Impact 15

These are guidelines from the University of Cape Town on how the University will broaden it’s assessment of research impact. The new guidelines recognize a broader range of outputs, including Open Science practices and introduces new formatting guidelines for hiring and promotion.
University of Cape Town
South Africa (Comprehensive University or equivalent)
Cultivating talentsPortfolio assessmentSocietal impact
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UCT’s commitment to broaden research assessment 5

This is a statement from the University of Cape Town’s Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Research and Internationalisation that the University is committed broadening it’s assessment of research impact and a key motivation for this was the South African context of social justice.
University of Cape Town
South Africa (Comprehensive University or equivalent)
Responsible metrics
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Research Assessment: UCT statement of support for the principles of the Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) 2

This is a statement from the University of Cape Town that it has created a DORA task team of academic and research support staff to implement DORA’s principles in alignment with the values of the University.
University of Cape Town
South Africa (Comprehensive University or equivalent)
Responsible metrics
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