DORA is committed to supporting the development of new policies and practices for responsible research assessment. This tool compiles searchable criteria, hiring standards, review, promotion, and tenure from academic institutions.

Institution Profile: Ghent University

Type of InstitutionComprehensive University or equivalent
Academic DisciplinesDiscipline non-specified
  • In December 2018, Ghent University’s Board of Governors approved a new career and evaluation model and regulations for five-yearly appraisals of its professorial staff.
  • As part of the evaluation a HR committee is set up for each professor, to support and challenge their personal and professional growth, give feedback and, eventually, evaluate the professor.
  • Professors are asked to reflect on their most significant achievements and to describe their ambitions for the next five years. They do so within four pillars: (i) research, (ii) teaching, (iii) institution and societal engagement, and (iv) leadership and people management.
  • The model seeks to escape a competitive framing of researcher achievements, instead seeking to differentiate according to individual talents.

Related Resources

Ghent University is changing course with a new career model for professorial staff (ZAP) 17

Ghent University has developed a new career and evaluation model for professorial staff (ZAP). This model eliminates previous evaluation of personalized metrics and instead refocuses on collaboration, collegiality and teamwork.
Ghent University
Belgium (Comprehensive University or equivalent)
Cultivating talentsPortfolio assessmentResearch collaborationService
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Vision Statement for Evaluating Research at Ghent University 13

In this vision statement by Ghent University, a new framework for evaluating research is outlined which aims at avoiding indicator-driven methods and instead focus on quality-based assessment.
Ghent University
Belgium (Comprehensive University or equivalent)
Portfolio assessmentResponsible metrics
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Evaluation of Research 16

This page from Ghent University contains information on their new research strategy, noting their vision for research assessment, effectiveness and transparency, diversity of research, and responsible use of research indicators as outlined by DORA.
Ghent University
Belgium (Comprehensive University or equivalent)
Responsible metrics
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Ghent University
Belgium (Comprehensive University or equivalent)
Portfolio assessmentResearch collaborationSocietal impact
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Case Study: Ghent University 17

This case study by DORA describes the new conceptual framework for research assessment developed at Ghent University. The new model seeks to escape a competitive framing of researcher achievements, instead seeking to differentiate according to individual talents.
Ghent University
Belgium (Comprehensive University or equivalent)
Portfolio assessmentResponsible metrics
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