DORA is committed to supporting the development of new policies and practices for responsible research assessment. This tool compiles searchable criteria, hiring standards, review, promotion, and tenure from academic institutions.

Institution Profile: College of Arts and Letters, Michigan State University

LocationUnited States of America
Type of InstitutionComprehensive University or equivalent
Academic DisciplinesHumanities

• The College of Arts & Letters Dean’s office at Michigan State University set out plans to introduce holistic assessment criteria for recognizing and rewarding a variety of contributions staff in their College make during their careers.
• The Framework ‘Cultivating Pathways to Intellectual Leadership’ (CPIL) is organized around a number of values, activities and outcomes for recognizing and rewarding a diverse range of career contributions.
• The CPIL Framework aims to act as a counterweight to ‘metric cultures’ and ‘analytics mindsets’ in academia.
• CPIL recognizes activities including research, teaching, service, mentorship, expanding opportunity and sharing knowledge – but also seeks to promote values of reciprocity, equity, transparency and creativity.
• CPIL has been rolled out across departments within the school and its architects hope it will serve as a template for other schools within Michigan State University and beyond.
• The Department of English used the CPIL model to undertake wholesale revisioning of their bylaws, which include review promotion, tenure and merit review criteria and processes.
• The CPIL approach is based on knowledge generated through the Mellon Foundation-sponsored HuMetricsHSS initiative.

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The College of Arts & Letters Dean’s office at Michigan State University set out plans to introduce holistic assessment criteria for recognizing and rewarding contributions by staff during their careers.
College of Arts and Letters, Michigan State University
United States of America (Comprehensive University or equivalent)
Portfolio assessment
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