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University of Maryland Department of Psychology
United States of America (Comprehensive University or equivalent)
Portfolio assessment
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University of Maryland Department of Psychology
United States of America (Comprehensive University or equivalent)
Portfolio assessment
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University of Maryland Department of Psychology
United States of America (Comprehensive University or equivalent)
Portfolio assessment
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Strategies and tactics for recruiting to improve diversity and excellence (STRIDE) 13

This presentation from the Strategies and Tactics for Recruiting to Improve Diversity and Excellence (STRIDE) Committee at the University of Michigan describes the approach UMich has taken to maximize the chances of diverse, well-qualified candidates being identified and selected for faculty positions. It details the evolution of the policy, recommended practices and some outcomes observed…
University of Michigan
United States of America (Comprehensive University or equivalent)
Equity and inclusion
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Handbook for faculty searches and promotion 12

This Handbook for Faculty Searches and Hiring from the University of Michigan provides guidelines for a comprehensive new faculty search and hiring process, with particular attention paid to concrete actions that can meet the University’s need for excellence with its desire for inclusiveness.
University of Michigan
United States of America (Comprehensive University or equivalent)
Equity and inclusion
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University of Michigan
United States of America (Comprehensive University or equivalent)
Equity and inclusion
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Department of Psychology, Oregon University | 2021 9

In this presentation, a representative from University of Oregon describes the approach that the Department of Psychology has taken to foster open science practices and reward them in recruitment, tenure and promotion decisions.
Department of Psychology, Oregon University
United States of America (Comprehensive University or equivalent)
Open ResearchResearch integrity
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Department of Psychology, University of Cologne | 2017 7

This job advert provides an example of a statement on open science that the University of Cologne has been including in recruitment materials since 2017. March 20, 2024: This document has been mistakenly attributed to the wrong institution (Oregon University instead of the University of Cologne). This is the the process of being corrected. April…
Department of Psychology, Oregon University
United States of America (Comprehensive University or equivalent)
Open ResearchResearch integrity
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Modification of Promotion, Tenure, and Merit Review 11

This modification of guidelines at Indiana-Purdue University added a DEI-focused case to the existing “balanced case” framework to better recognize and reward faculty efforts to increase diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Indiana-Purdue University
United States of America (Comprehensive University or equivalent)
Equity and inclusionResearch collaboration
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U-M ADVANCE works to improve faculty diversity through hiring 3

In this news item, the University of Michigan describes the STRIDE Committee (‘Strategies and Tactics for Recruiting to Improve Diversity and Excellence’) which is an initiative to provide information, advice and workshops on practices that will likely maximize the chances of diverse, well-qualified candidates being identified and selected for faculty positions.
Indiana-Purdue University
United States of America (Comprehensive University or equivalent)
Open Research
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