This website provides search files (evaluation materials and instructions, student evaluation surveys) used in the…
Life sciences
Lessons learnt from anonymized and scaffolded faculty search
This article details the procedure and lessons learnt from an experiment with anonymized faculty search…
DORA – San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment
Am undated statement that the Wellcome Sanger Institute has signed DORA and some of their…
Recruiting for Excellence
This packet from University of Zurich provides information on fair assessment of job candidates and…
Can anonymous faculty searches boost diversity?
This careers page discusses Yale University’s experimental anonymous search process for faculty positions in the…
The future of faculty searches? MB&B Department implements new reforms that aim to increase diversity
Yale News discusses the experimental search process for faculty positions in the Molecular Biophysics and…
MB&B is radically changing how we search for new colleagues
In 2020, candidates for tenure track Assistant Professor positions in Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry at…
Internal Policy No. 71: Open Science and Open Access
In 2021 the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) implemented a new internal promotions policy incorporating…
Research Assessment at EMBL
This post by European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) discusses their signing of DORA and CoARA,…
INRA signs the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment
This is a statement from the National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment INRAE…