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Trinity College, Dublin
Ireland (Comprehensive University or equivalent)
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DORA signing will see WIT researchers exploring dissemination avenues 3

A 2020 news article that the Waterford Institute of Technology signed DORA.
Waterford Institute of Technology
Ireland (University of applied sciences)
Responsible Metrics
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Research Community Portal: Responsible Metrics 6

In the Statement on Responsible Uses of Research Metrics, National University of Ireland, Galway, committed to fair, transparent and responsible research assessments and responsible uses of metrics, particularly in the context of job appointments and promotions.
National University of Ireland, Galway
Ireland (Comprehensive University or equivalent)
Responsible Metrics
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Open Scholarship: Responsible Metrics 6

In the Statement on Responsible Uses of Research Metrics, National University of Ireland, Galway committed to fair, transparent and responsible research assessments and responsible uses of metrics, particularly in the context of job appointments and promotions.
National University of Ireland, Galway
Ireland (Comprehensive University or equivalent)
Responsible Metrics
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Senior Academic Promotions Procedure: Procedure no. 57 8

Trinity College has updated their senior academic promotions procedure which aims to ensure fairness, transparency, and equality of opportunity regarding promotion procedure. This resource outlines this procedure and notes Trinity College’s expectation to expand their contributions to education and research over time.
Trinity College, Dublin
Ireland (Comprehensive University or equivalent)
Cultivating talentsServiceSocietal impact
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Senior Academic Promotions Call 2020 2

Guidelines for senior academic promotion policy at Trinity College have been established. This doucment provides examples of the criteria to be considered in a candidate’s potential promotion at Trinity College.
Trinity College, Dublin
Ireland (Comprehensive University or equivalent)
Cultivating talentsServiceSocietal impact
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Statement on the Responsible Use of Research Metrics in UCD 9

This is a statement from University College Dublin that it is committed to a research environment founded on values of excellence, creativity, integrity, collegiality, engagement and diversity, in which every member is supported to achieve their full potential. The statement uses DORA, the Metric Tide, and the Leiden Manifesto as best-practice guides.
University College Dublin
Ireland (Comprehensive University or equivalent)
Responsible Metrics
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