Case Study: University Medical Centre Utrecht

This case study discusses the new evaluation framework in place at University Medical Center (UMC) Utrecht, implemented in 2021. This change in evaluation procedure was motivated by UMC Utrecht’s commitment to assessing researchers based on their scientific and societal contributions, and whose criteria were discussed in a group called Science in Transition (SIT).

Qualification Portfolio UMC Utrecht

The University Medical Center Utrecht (UMC Utrecht) Qualification Portfolio lists components for candidate professors or professors seeking promotion to include in a narrative.

UOC signs the San Francisco Declaration (DORA): Action Plan

This document contains the deatiled action plan by Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) for reforming research assessment and committing to the principles outlined in DORA following their signature of the declaration.

Case Study: Open University of Catalonia

This DORA case study on Open University of Catalonia (UOC) discusses the university’s action plan for research assessment reform after signing DORA, and thier plan for implementing change to include open knowledge principles in assessment processes, actions, and policies in accordance with the DORA principles.

Case Study: Ghent University

This case study by DORA describes the new conceptual framework for research assessment developed at Ghent University. The new model seeks to escape a competitive framing of researcher achievements, instead seeking to differentiate according to individual talents.

Case Study: University of Nottingham Ningbo China

This DORA case study highlights an Implementation Task Force put in place by the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) established after the university became a signatory of DORA. This task force is aimed at helping ensure responsible research assessment practices at the University.

Mapping Public Engagement with Research in a UK University

This paper contains research conducted as part of an action research project designed to embed engagement in the routine practices of researchers at all levels. The paper discusses researchers’ perception of public engagement with research and their strategies to promote public engagement, as well as interventions made to broaden research engagement.