DORA is committed to supporting the development of new policies and practices for responsible research assessment. This tool compiles searchable criteria, hiring standards, review, promotion, and tenure from academic institutions.

Institution Profile: University of Liverpool

LocationUnited Kingdom
Type of InstitutionComprehensive University or equivalent
Academic DisciplinesDiscipline non-specified

• A signatory of DORA, the University of Liverpool established an institutional policy on the responsible use of metrics and an associated implementation plan in consultation with its research community.
• The document sets out a statement about the University’s approach to the use of metrics in research assessment spanning the whole institution.
• The Responsible Metrics at Liverpool webpage states that “staff involved in recruitment and assessment activities only to use metrics in conjunction with peer review and never in isolation, and to avoid the use of metrics related to venue of publication or individual metrics that are influenced by length of career.”
• The responsible metrics statement is seen as consistent with the recruitment of individuals from underrepresented groups whose contributions may not score well on quantitative metrics.
• The implementation plan includes investigating the needs for procedural changes where required and new or improved resources to train and support staff in responsible research assessment. The plan focused on awareness raising, and sought to support leadership, recruitment, internal staff recruitment (including promotions), and training.
• The results of the plan were released in 2021 but have only been published internally on the University’s Intranet. Further implementation of the plan into formal policy documents and procedures (e.g. advertising pro formas for external staff recruitment) is expected in April 2022.

Related Resources

Responsible Metrics at Liverpool 1

The website of the University of Liverpool outlines key activities around responsible metrics undertaken by the University since signing DORA, including formulation of an institutional policy and implementation plan as well as conducting an equality impact assessment of the policy.
University of Liverpool
United Kingdom (Comprehensive University or equivalent)
Responsible metrics
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Policy for the responsible use of metrics in research assessment 3

An institutional policy on the responsible use of metrics by the University of Liverpool, accompanied by an implementation plan developed in consultation with its research community.
University of Liverpool
United Kingdom (Comprehensive University or equivalent)
Responsible metrics
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Equality Impact Assessment: Screening Form 9

The University of Liverpool conducted an Equality Impact Assessment of its policy for the responsible use of metrics in research assessment. The policy is seen as consistent with the recruitment of individuals from underrepresented groups whose contributions may not score well on quantitative metrics.
University of Liverpool
United Kingdom (Comprehensive University or equivalent)
Responsible metrics
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