DORA is committed to supporting the development of new policies and practices for responsible research assessment. This tool compiles searchable criteria, hiring standards, review, promotion, and tenure from academic institutions.

Institution Profile: Technical University Eindhoven

Type of InstitutionSpecialized University or equivalent
Academic DisciplinesPhysical sciences

• In the Netherlands, various debates, agendas and campaigns around responsible research assessment culminated in the multi-stakeholder Recognition and Rewards Programme and its position paper ‘Room for Everyone’s Talent’ being published in 2019. • In response to the Dutch national programme, TU Eindhoven has moved to change its assessment criteria for promoting faculty personnel.
• Alongside a focus on excellence in research, Rector Professor Frank Baaijens set out a need reward excellence in teaching, academic citizenship, leadership and team spirit.
• In implementing the Recognition and Reward programme’s position statement ‘Room for everyone’s talent’, TU Eindhoven conducted six stakeholder consultations with academic staff.
• The University has drafted six principles on which Recognition and Reward is to be based at TU Eindhoven, which will be subject to feedback and scrutiny from interdepartmental committees in the University before being formally adopted. Professor Baaijens also states that rewarding open access publishing in career advancement decisions is being considered.

Related Resources

Rector Frank Baaijens talks about Recognition and Rewards 12

A 2021 interview with Eindhoven University of Technology rector describing his sintitutions research assessment practices, noting that quality of outputs as well as quantity must be measured.
Technical University Eindhoven
Netherlands (Specialized University or equivalent)
Open researchPortfolio assessmentResearch collaborationService
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