DORA is committed to supporting the development of new policies and practices for responsible research assessment. This tool compiles searchable criteria, hiring standards, review, promotion, and tenure from academic institutions.

Institution Profile: Open University

LocationUnited Kingdom
Type of InstitutionDistance learning university
Academic DisciplinesDiscipline non-specified

• Between 2012-2015, the Open University implemented a programme of organizational change focusing on the promotion of engaged research and knowledge exchange with society.
• This included the establishment of new knowledge exchange focused-career track for academic faculty.
• Assessment promotion criteria were revised to support this change, including notable contributions to business or community, research contributions that impacted on policy, practice or product/service development, leadership in knowledge exchange, contributions from knowledge exchange to the university’s teaching and learning, consultancy contracts, and/or economic, social or cultural developments.
• Implementation was informed by action research with researchers at all levels across the organization and follow up surveys and evaluations on the programme have been published in a peer review article to promote both internal and community-wide learning and improvement.

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DORA Case Study: Open University 9

This DORA case study discusses a new program of organizational change focusing on the promotion of engaged research and knowledge exchange within society by Open University. This program includes the establishment of new knowledge exchange focused-career track for academic faculty and revisions in assessment criteria for promotion as well.
Open University
United Kingdom (Distance learning university)
Societal impact
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An Open Research University 13

This report by Open University highlights their plan to be an ‘open research university’ by changing assessment criteria in promotion and implementing efforts toward the promotion of engaged research and knowledge exchange within society. Implementation was informed by researchers at all levels across the organization and follow up surveys and evaluations on the programme have…
Open University
United Kingdom (Distance learning university)
Societal impact
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Mapping Public Engagement with Research in a UK University 5

This paper contains research conducted as part of an action research project designed to embed engagement in the routine practices of researchers at all levels. The paper discusses researchers’ perception of public engagement with research and their strategies to promote public engagement, as well as interventions made to broaden research engagement.
Open University
United Kingdom (Distance learning university)
Societal impact
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