DORA is committed to supporting the development of new policies and practices for responsible research assessment. This tool compiles searchable criteria, hiring standards, review, promotion, and tenure from academic institutions.

Institution Profile: King’s College London

LocationUnited Kingdom
Type of InstitutionComprehensive University or equivalent
Academic DisciplinesDiscipline non-specified

• After signing DORA in 2018, Kings College London committed to producing “a comprehensive, organisation-wide policy on responsible assessment.”
• As part of this process, the University pledged to set up a working group on responsible research assessment.
• Duties of the committee include to “engage in community consultation, outreach and education, and pursue partnerships across existing initiatives at the College, including the King’s Open Research Group Initiative (KORGI), to develop open and transparent guidelines for assessment which also reward a commitment to open and reproducible research, across all disciplines and formats.” (Page 2)
• The committee will also monitor implementation of the proposed policy across the University when published.

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King’s College London’s commitment to fair and responsible research assessment 8

Statement from King’s College London outlining the university’s approach to responsible research assessment. It notes the institution signed DORA in 2017 and expected policies in 2021.
King's College London
United Kingdom (Comprehensive University or equivalent)
Responsible metrics
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