Published — 2023

Research on Research registry and community hub

Initiatives  For:FundersResearch institutes

Research on Research (RoR), also known as meta-research or the science of science, focuses on enhancing research practices to ensure research transparency, efficiency, and benefit. The RoR registry and hub, launched in 2021 by the University of Southampton and the National Institute for Health and Care Research, provides a free online platform for recording and networking about global research on research activities. Due to the rapid growth of RoR data by investigating organizations, there is a need for collaboration among funders and research organizations to increase sharing and comparability. With over 180 participants and 50 contributions, the platform aims to overcome challenges in tracking ongoing projects and collating evidence within the RoR community.

Within this platform there is a discussion forum where scientists can connect about a multitude of topics. Thus far, some of these topics include narrative CVs, methods of conducting research, improvement of evidence of progress, research funding, peer-review, and ethics in RoR. Users may also access the registry where they can submit studies and projects to the database or post topics for discussion. Additionally, the platform organizes live online discussions called “RoR Chatter sessions.” These sessions are “one hour long in a semi-structured fashion where presenter(s) lead a discussion on a topic of interest to the community.” They are free and advertised to the community via twitter and email when you register with RoR.

The goal of this initiative is to build and connect international communities, encourage collaboration and improvement of research practices, and support efficient design, conduct, and dissemination of research. The RoR registry aims to continue supporting networking, promote the use of its registered studies database, and collaborate with funders, journals, and relevant organizations to enhance visibility and resources in the research on research field.


Research on Research registry and community hub (n.d.).

Sharing research on research: The role of the RoR registry and hub community (2023).,-The%20RoR%20registry&text=The%20RoR%20registry%20and%20hub%20was%20developed%20by%20the%20School,Care%20Research%20in%20the%20UK