The Health Research Board (HRB) has taken several actions since 2016 to implement DORA’s principles in its grant review process. HRB recognizes a variety of research outputs in addition to research articles, including data, research material, databases, national or international reports or policy briefings, audio/video products, and more. In all the individual/career development awards applicants are requested to fill a more narrative based CV addressing their contribution to (1) knowledge, (2) training and career development of other researchers and (3) wider research community and society in addition to a personal declaration/statement. This approach aims to provide a broader and holistic view of the impact of the researchers’ career and the research they conducted. Applicants are made aware of research assessment policies on the HRB website and in the call document for each specific funding initiative.
How grant applications are reviewed is critical to the implementation of DORA principles. HRB guide reviewers to assess the content, quality and impact of research proposals, taking in consideration career breaks and/or changes of disciplines or sectors. HRB also aims to promote gender equality and reduce unconscious bias in decision-making through awareness-raising, staff training, and development of additional guidance for reviewers.