DORA’s funder discussion groups form a community of practice to consider topics related to fair and responsible research assessment.
Two parallel funder groups — one for the Asia-Pacific (A-P) region and another for Africa, the Americas, and Europe (AAE) — meet virtually each quarter. The groups provide a space to discuss new assessment policies and practices with the goal of increasing knowledge-sharing about research assessment reform and facilitating collective action.
Meeting summaries

Get involved!
If you are a public or private research funder and are interested in joining the group, please reach out to us at: info@sfdora.org. Organizations do not have to be a signatory of DORA to participate.
Upcoming events
AP: Thursday, March 13, 10am AEST
AAE: Thursday, March 13, 10am EST
AP: Thursday, May 15, 10am AEST
AAE: Thursday, May 15, 10am EST
AP: Thursday, September 11, 10am AEST
AAE: Thursday, September 11, 10am EST
AP: Thursday, November 13, 10am AEST
AAE: Thursday, November 13, 10am EST
Note: AAE denotes Africa, Americas, Europe Group. A-P denotes Asia-Pacific Group.