The Swiss National Science Foundation is testing a structured narrative CV format called ‘SciCV’ to increase consistency in decision-making for its grant applications. The switch to a more narrative format is designed to help researchers clearly communicate their most important research contributions, rather than relying on a publication list to convey the value of their work. The use of narrative also helps in recognizing and rewarding a variety of research outputs in addition to peer-reviewed articles. SciCV integrates with ORCID making it easy for researchers with an ORCID ID to populate and maintain. For more information about the pilot project, see: here.
In March 2022 the Swiss National Science Foundation published the results of using SciCV. The evaluation used surveys, interviews, text analysis, and observation of panel meetings. Results showed positive reception for narrative elements and academic age inclusion, while metrics like the h-index and relative citation ratio were viewed more critically. Less experienced individuals tended to support the new format more than senior ones. Overall, SciCV broadened applicant evaluation but didn’t significantly change traditional practices. The initiative was considered successful and led to the development of SciCV 2.0, providing guidance for other funding organizations.
Strinzel, M et al. (2022). SciCV, the Swiss National Science Foundation’s new CV format. doi: