Published — 2020

Good Practice in Researcher Evaluation: Recommendation for the Responsible Evaluation of a Researcher in Finland

InitiativesPosition papers  For:Research institutes

A working group set up by the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies produced guidelines to improve how researchers are assessed in Finland. The report provides a set of general principles (transparency, integrity, fairness, competence, and diversity) that apply throughout 13 recommended good practices to improve four aspects of researcher evaluation, including:

  • Building the evaluation process
  • Evaluation of research
  • Diversity of activities
  • Researcher’s role in the evaluation process.

The other participating organizations include Academy of Finland, Advisory Board on Research Ethics, Association of Finnish Foundations, Finnish Association of Research Managers and Advisors, Finnish Union of University Professors, Finnish Union of University Researchers and Teachers, National Library of Finland, Network of Sectoral research institutes, Rectors’ Conference of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences, the joint library network, Universities Finland and Young Academy Finland.