We are pleased to release new badges for individuals and organizations that have signed the declaration. The badges show support for DORA, raise awareness about research assessment, and serve as a conversation starter with individuals or organizations that have not heard about DORA yet.

While there are many ways that signatories can use badges, here is a short list of our favorite ones:

  1. Share on your favorite social media channels including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram
  2. Use as a social media profile picture
  3. Share on websites to show the support of an organization, university, department, lab, personal website, or blog for DORA
  4. Print and post in workspaces, e.g. above your lab bench
  5. …and more!

Each badge includes a full color, black, and white versions on transparent backgrounds in a .zip file.

1 (horizontal)Download
2 (vertical)Download
3 (circular)Download
4 (“We love DORA”)Download
5 (“Let’s change what we value in research”)Download