Recording and materials from this event
The accomplishments of the DORA Community Engagement grant Awardees (slideshow below).
Event information
Date: This event took place on May 16, 2023
Time: 12:00 AM UTC (time conversion here)
As part of DORA’s 10th Anniversary Celebration, we held two plenary sessions to capture as many time zones as possible and ensure opportunities for community participation worldwide.
During the two-hour Asia-Pacific plenary, we discussed the state of the field, our past decade of work, and the future of DORA and responsible research assessment. The plenary opened with introductory statements from DORA’s Vice-Chair, Ginny Barbour (Open Access Australasia) followed by a keynote address by Mai Har Sham (The Chinese University of Hong Kong), co-author of the Hong Kong Principles for assessing researchers, and an audience Q&A.
Research Assessment from 2013 to 2032, Mai Har Sham
“Large numbers of institutional and individual DORA signatories support the need of improving our research outcome evaluation practice. However, our systems of research assessment have not changed significantly in the last 10 years. In the Asia-Pacific regions, assessment of research performance for recruitment, funding, promotion and career progression remains reliant on traditional forms of publications and metrics. What are the challenges in implementing the DORA recommendations? In this plenary session I will review the research assessment practices over the last 10 years from the perspectives of different stakeholders; and discuss the challenges and requirements for a paradigm shift in research assessment in the next 10 years.”
Following the opening remarks, we held a panel session with experts from across the Asia-Pacific region. The panel session brought together subject-matter experts to share their unique experiences developing and implementing reform approaches across a range of disciplines and contexts. They provided insightful responses to key questions such as: What has DORA’s impact been and what does responsible research assessment look like in your part of the world? What does responsible research assessment look like in 10 years time?
Asia-Pacific DORA Plenary Program
- Opening remarks from DORA’s Vice-Chair
- Ginny Barbour, Open Access Australasia
- Keynote Address
- Mai Har Sham, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Audience Q&A
- Break
- Panel session
- Dasapta Erwin Irawan, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia
- Moumita Koley, Indian Institute of Science, India
- Spencer Lilley, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
- Yu Sasaki, Kyoto University Research Administration Center, Japan
- Closing remarks from DORA’s Acting Program Director
- Haley Hazlett, Declaration on Research Assessment