DORA’s new policy on engagement and outreach for organizational signatories

DORA is pleased to announce today the publication of our Engagement and outreach policy for organizational signatories to the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment.

This policy aims to give a more specific answer to the question ‘How should DORA be enforced?’, which has arisen on a number of occasions when reports have been received of signatory organizations apparently not acting in compliance with the provisions of the Declaration. On such occasions, DORA has re-iterated that it is not an accrediting organization but seeks through constructive dialogue to resolve any misunderstandings. 

The new engagement and outreach policy codifies this approach. In particular, it clarifies how we expect signatory organizations to implement the commitments entailed in signing the Declaration on Research Assessment. In essence, the policy asks signatory organizations first to make a public statement explaining their commitment to DORA; second, a measure aimed principally at research-performing organizations, it aims to ensure that their implementation of the DORA principles is informed by ongoing dialogue with staff and students who are involved in research and research-enabling activities. The policy also states explicitly the action that DORA will take should credible reports be received of a signatory organization not living up to these expectations. As always, the guiding philosophy in our approach is to support a community of learning that is committed in good faith to reform of research assessment. 

The policy applies to all new signatories as of November 7, 2022, but we would strongly encourage all existing signatory organizations to take similar measures to demonstrate their commitment to DORA. We are very grateful to critical friends who provided valuable feedback on earlier drafts of this policy.

Stephen Curry is Chair of DORA’s Steering Committee

Haley Hazlett
Dr. Haley Hazlett has been DORA's Program Manager since 2021. She was a DORA Policy Intern before taking the role of Program Manager. She obtained her Ph.D. in Microbiology and Immunology in 2021 and is passionate about improving research culture for all researchers.

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