Published — 2021

Responsible Science Assessment: downplaying indexes, boosting quality

InitiativesJournal articles  For:Journals and publishersResearch institutes

In this piece, Alicia Kowaltowski, Ariel Silber, and Marcus Oliveira outline challenges faced by the scientific research community resulting from the current framework of academic assessment. Challenges outlined by the authors include:

  • Increased pressure on researchers to produce knowledge
  • Increased pressure on researchers to publish and increased frequency of retraction of scientific articles due to lack of reproducibility or misconduct.
  • Increased difficulty obtain funding

In response to these challenges, the authors proposed a scientist-based movement to improve scientific assessment, the “Initiative for Responsible Scientific Assessment (IRSA)”. The goals of the IRSA are to:

Finally, the authors provided an online petition to endorse IRSA. See here.

Kowaltowski AJ, Silber AM, and Oliveira MF (2021).  Responsible Science Assessment: downplaying indexes, boosting quality. doi: 10.1590/0001-3765202120191513