DORA at 10: Looking back at the history and forward to the future of research assessment

DORA will be 10 years old in May 2023 and we are planning to mark the occasion! We’ll be holding a weeklong celebration for DORA’s 10th Anniversary and we’re inviting you to join in by organizing an event on research assessment for your local community. We want to have conversations about what DORA has done and what we still need to do all over the globe! DORA’s 10th Anniversary Celebration will be comprised of two parts:

DORA’s 10th Anniversary Celebration will be comprised of two parts:

  • Two plenary online sessions to discuss the state of the field, our past decade of work, and our future plans.
  • A global program of local or regional events that will allow communities to share insights and challenges in reforming, innovating, and researching responsible research assessment policies and practices.

Plenary sessions

To commemorate DORA’s publication date, we are holding two plenary sessions on May 16, 2023 to capture as many time zones as possible and ensure opportunities for community participation worldwide.

Asia-Pacific Plenary
When: May 16, 2023. 12AM UTC.
Draft Program: Introductory statements from DORA’s Vice-Chair, Ginny Barbour (Open Access Australasia), keynote address by Mai Har Sham (The Chinese University of Hong Kong), followed by a panel discussion with experts from across the globe.

Africa, Americas, Europe Plenary
When: May 16, 2023. 12PM UTC.
Draft Program: Introductory statements from DORA’s Chair, Stephen Curry (Imperial College London), keynote address by Sarah de Rijcke (Leiden University), followed by a panel discussion with experts from across the globe.

A global program of local or regional events

Held over one week in May 2023, the DORA 10th Anniversary Celebration (#DORAat10) aims to feature events that highlight reform efforts, innovation in evaluation, research into evaluation systems, and more! It will be a chance to reflect on how far we have come, and to galvanize ourselves to face the remaining tasks in ensuring that our research assessment practices are the best they can be. 

For our 10th Anniversary Celebration, we want to encourage and elevate community members across the globe to organize their own events on responsible research assessment during one week in May 2023. We will promote these events on our website, and so we are calling for organizers who will lead virtual, hybrid, or in-person events about responsible research assessment.

When: Your event should take place within the week scheduled for the DORA@10 celebrations: May 15-19th 2023.  Details of the event will be featured on DORA’s website.

What types of events qualify? Be imaginative! Events can be of any format including webinars, conferences, seminars, and workshops. If you have a question, contact us at!

Examples of the types of events and topics for the 10th Anniversary Celebration:

  • Reforming research assessment policies and practices
    • An event for university faculty that outlines a new promotion path
    • An event held by a publisher on how they are committing to responsible use of metrics, improving peer- review processes (bias mitigation,  reviewers engagement, inclusive assessment, etc) and/or introducing responsible open research assessment
  • Innovation in research assessment policies and practices
    • A funder-led event discussing new models for funding decisions
  • Research on research assessment policies and practices
    • A seminar on recent research on assessment
  • The challenges for researchers in reforming assessment
    • A panel discussion led by early career researchers
    • A cross disciplinary discussion of research assessment 

Who can submit an event proposal? We are seeking event proposals from anyone interested in good research assessment. This includes, for example, academic staff or faculty, researchers studying biases in evaluation, librarians, research managers, early career researchers, bibliometricians, funders, initiatives for responsible research assessment, publishers, and societies.

How event proposals will be evaluated: The evaluation will be light touch, mainly to ensure that the proposal is relevant to DORA’s mission to reform research assessment policies and practices. Creativity is welcome! We are keen to highlight the broad range of ways that research assessment reform has taken place over the past 10 years and to explore ideas for accelerating the pace of reform. We strongly encourage submissions from all global regions and disciplines. Proposals will be evaluated by DORA staff on a rolling basis to ensure they are relevant to research assessment reform. 

Deadline for submission: May 19, 2023.

Note: If you would like to organize an event but are unable to do so during the week of May 15-19, please reach out to us at We are happy to accommodate exceptions to feature local events that are held in May.

What happens when my proposal is accepted? Once your proposal is accepted, we will reach out to you for further information about your event to feature on the DORA website. For example, we will need the registration link for your event and other related links. You will also be invited to submit a blog summary of your event to be featured on the DORA website.

For more information on, please see our local event FAQ.

Haley Hazlett
Dr. Haley Hazlett has been DORA's Program Manager since 2021. She was a DORA Policy Intern before taking the role of Program Manager. She obtained her Ph.D. in Microbiology and Immunology in 2021 and is passionate about improving research culture for all researchers.

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